Blog posts


NVIDIA Falcor Real-Time Rendering Framework Beginner Guide Part 1

4 minute read


Works for NVidia Falcor 8.0, 7.0, and 6.0

Tried to write some instructions from my side on top of the original NVidia Falcor documentation (v6.0, 7.0, and 8.0), as the original Falcor’s documentation often found old and many things has changed since. This post is equivalent to Falcor’s README doc.


Resources to start with real time ray tracing

2 minute read


Path tracing aka. Physically based rendering (PBR) is a discrete light simulation that approximately imitates the continuous real-world light interaction using the approximate physics and calculus algorithm. The goal of this repository is to gather available resources that will help beginners start working in path tracing (PBR).


Part 3.1: Installing NVIDIA OptiX on Windows 10/11

1 minute read


Windows Installation and Integration (OptiX, CUDA)

  • note: developers must check the latest driver version for OptiX, CUDA version, and CUDA host compiler before running
  • 1.e) and 3. is not compulsory to run OptiX, 3) is just to run default SDK examples
  • nsight visual studio edition automatically installed with CUDA toolkit installation


Creating and Google Indexing GitHub Pages

less than 1 minute read


GitHub Pages

  • GitHub allows only one free hosting static page against per github account
  • developers can develop their page with HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
  • very important: for this your github account name, and newly created repository name must me the same. For example, if your github account is sample-git, then your page name must be, which later will generate url
  • you can not push files to your repository, upload templates, or develop manually.
  • is an awesome repository for templates.